Guy Duininck: Stand, then Run
When Paul asked Jesus, "Lord, what would you have me do?" on the road to Damascus, Jesus' response was very interesting. He told Paul, "Stand up on your feet."
Before Paul could travel to Tarsus and receive further instruction and long before he could start running his apostolic race to t he Gentiles, he had to be able to, "Stand up on [his] feet."
Believers must be able to STAND and stand and having done all to stand, stand therefore! Believers must be able to WALK worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, walk in faith, walk in love, and walk in good works! And believers need to be able to RUN with patience the race that is set before them until they finish their course with joy!
Some might think that when they ask the Lord, "Lord what do you want me to do?" that He is going to tell them, "I am going to send you as a flaming light to the far corners of the earth to shake up nations!" It could very well be, however, that the first thing the Lord tells them is, "Learn First to Stand Up on your feet!"