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Guy Duininck: Bearing One Another's Burdens

Jesus said to pray for them which "despitefully use you."

Recently, I was treated in a very despiteful way by another believer. As I was thinking about what had transacted in that situation and how I had not reacted in an inappropriate way in that situation, I believe the Holy Spirit brought this scripture to my mind,

"Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."

This caused me to wonder about what the person who may have mistreated me may have endured in their life, even in their childhood, that may have been very wounding and hurtful to them. I considered that perhaps their past experiences were, indeed, a "burden" in their life that caused them to speak and to behave toward others in ways that were unkind and hurtful. Perhaps their own wounds caused them to wound others and their own insecurities caused them to mistreat others.

In not Reacting to this person in a mutually hurtful way, I believe I participated in the wisdom of the Word of God and was, "bearing one another's burden." I was responding with mercy while suffering personally because of the treatment of another. I bore the hurt in that situation and was, perhaps, also bearing their burden. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is our Helper in all the things of this life.

This doesn't excuse the other person's behavior toward me, of course. And if they treated me this way all the time, I would likely take some distance from them lest I submit myself unnecessarily to constant hurtful treatment.

But it's always good to be prepared for every situation - and to Respond in God-like ways and Christ-like love. It can be part of, "Bearing one another's burdens and Fulfilling the law of Christ" — which is Love.

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