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Guy Duininck: Do You Have Some Nasty Traits?

Sometimes the pressures of life or significant conflicts with others expose nasty traits that are still lurking in our character, but which are are usually carefully hidden.

If it happens to you that the pressures of life or a conflict with someone causes you to Display a Nasty Trait, don't blame others or blame circumstances for causing you to think, speak, or act in such ways and then say, "This isn't really me!!" The painful truth is that nothing can come out of you that isn't already lurking somewhere in you.

Instead of blaming others, just realize and acknowledge the fact that you still have some ungodly traits lurking in you that need to be purged out and realize that some excellent and godly traits need to be added to your character.

So don't just re-bury your nasty traits, pretending that, "This is not really me!!" Don't just try to carefully manage and hide these Nasty Traits from others. Rather, Extricate these Nasty Traits once and for all! Experience a true internal purging and transformation and finally Live Free!

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