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Guy Duininck: It's Time to Return to Carefulness

It's Time to Return to Carefulness

Because I care about God's Word, care about the church at large, and care about God's people, I truly wish that believers and ministers would stop making up doctrines, inventing meanings for words in Scriptures that are not supportable, adding "facts" to Scriptures that are not actually there, and basically doing whatever they have to do with God's Word to make it support their own Preferred Narratives.

We have been in a season for a time now where too many believers and ministers, although I'm sure they truly love God, are NOT careful enough with God's Word or with His words.

Paul said, "It is REQUIRED in stewards that a man be found faithful" - that includes being faithful and respectful and careful with His Word and with His words! Peter said, "If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracle of God." In other words, no one can just say whatever they want! We can only say what God has said.

I have noticed that those who have strong Preferred Narratives which they like to promote can get quite bent out of shape if you question their teaching. I have been unfriended a number of times by people I considered to be friends - at minimum a fellow minister - because I disagreed with them or questioned their teaching. That happened quite recently - although I didn't actually know this person had unfriended me till yesterday. When a minister isn't willing to be challenged on his doctrine or even be asked legitimate questions about his teaching without getting upset, that is a big red flag for me. Why is someone so defensive of their ideology? Why don't they want to consider another point of view?

When we handle something Very Precious, we must be Very Careful. When we handle the Precious Truth of God as revealed in His Holy Scriptures, we must be Very, Very Careful. I hope that as we move forward in time, a Serious Carefulness with God's Precious Word will return to the church and to ministers.

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