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Guy Duininck: Why Some Despise Sound Teaching

One of the reasons believers despise, or are not interested in, or are not committed to sound teaching is because it is not Exciting in the Moment.

Unlike some other kinds of ministry, however, the Ministry of Teaching, and Teaching Itself, is NOT Intended to create a Supercharged Atmosphere in the Moment - at that Event.

In fact, the Purpose of Teaching is NOT to Excite People in The Moment, but to Prepare People for The Future!

What too many believers and ministers fail to Realize about Teaching is that What is being taught TODAY is NOT FOR TODAY - It is for THE FUTURE!

If believers would simply realize that "Today's Teaching" is intended to prepare them for "Tomorrow's Challenges," they might take a much more serious approach to Teaching - they might make a much more purposeful Investment. If they did, they would later discover that the "boring teaching" they endured for a short season made them FIT for the great challenges they currently face!

Don't be Ignorant of this Reality. Teaching is not supposed to give you an emotional high in the moment. Teaching is more like "stocking your refrigerator" or "loading your gun" or "putting smooth stones in your pouch as David did" or "sharpening your axe." It is NOT Intended to Excite you in the Moment. It is Intended to Get You Ready for Your Future! It is a Purposeful Investment which the Return On will only be Realized LATER - sometimes Much Later.

You Build BEFORE the Storm.

You Plant TODAY so you can eat TOMORROW.

Too many Ministers make the Mistake of Feeling Great Pressure to "Perform in the Moment" rather than doing the SIGNIFCANT WORK of "Preparing Believers for the Future."

Don't Mis-Understand the Purpose and the Value of Rock-Solid, Sound Teaching! It may not "Stir your Soul in The Moment," but it WILL "Set you Up for Overcoming Life in the Future!"

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