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Guy Duininck: Some Shall Depart

Paul foretold in his letter to Timothy that in the latter days, some would, "depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons."

One way to understand the phrase, "depart from the faith," is as a “departing from that body of sound teachings of Truth which are the foundational truths of Christianity and found in Scripture."

Many today are, "Departing from the faith." They are turning loose of the most basic Truths of the faith and abandoning the Scriptures. Many no longer hold to Scripture as Truth, trusting more in their own thoughts, feelings, and imaginations. I read after one person who claims to be a "Jesus follower" who said said, “the Bible is a roadmap at best."

When individuals Unmoor from Scripture, they Depart from the Solid Dock of objective truth and are free to, "Sail the dangerous waters of vain imaginations." Many are currently, "Untying from the Dock Of Truth." Where the ever changing winds will blow them yet remains to be seen.

I want to encourage you today: Don't be part of the fulfillment of Paul's words to Timothy! Don't depart from the Scriptures, depart from the Truth, and depart from the faith.

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