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Guy Duininck: Father's Day - Mother's Day

It is good on this Father's Day, and on Mother's Day, that we celebrate those fathers and mothers who have held their place and have diligently and selflessly cared for, taught, blessed, provided for, and set examples for their own children - as they should.

On this day, however, it is also important for those of us who have been fortunate enough to have good or even great parents to Not Forget that there are many others who cannot celebrate with us today because one of their parents has passed too soon, or one of their parents abandoned them, or one or even both of their parents were not good parents, or were terrible parents.

When these individuals - and I know many; some in my own family - hear and see all the Celebration around them on these special days, they often feel very left out and are reminded that unlike others, they are missing a parent who left too soon or, perhaps, were not fortunate like others to have two or even one good parent.

So.......Today, if you know someone like this, reach out to them with a special message by phone, by text, by email, or even in person and let them know that you realize that this is not an easy day for them. Let you know you "see" them. Acknowledge them and make sure they realize that you are aware of their special situation and that you care for them.

"Bear one another's burdens; and so fulfill the law of Christ."

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