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Guy Duininck: The Three Primary Ministries of the Church

The Three Primary Ministries of the Church

In each of the 3 Primary ministries the Church is called to, we, as believers, do something with our Hearts, something with our Mouths, and something with our Hands:

First — The church ministers to God as a Royal Priesthood and Spiritual House. Peter said, "You ARE a royal priesthood and spiritual house." Revelation 1:2-6 reveals that we have been made "priests unto our God." The church is to bring a spiritual sacrifice, the sacrifice of praise, to God. This is our offering to Him. Our ministry to God is UPward. We open our hearts of love to Him, bring the fruit of our lips to Him, and lift UP our hands to Him.

Second — The church ministers to One Another as members of one body. Paul said, "You ARE the body of Christ and members of one another." This ministry is INward; to one another. Believers are to minister to One Another and Edify the body. As each joint and ligament supplies something, the body edifies itself in love. We are to open our hearts to one another; speaking edification, truth, and God's Word to one another. We are to reach out our hands in willingness to help one another. This is our offering to one another. Jesus showed His disciples how to do this when He put on the servant's towel and washed their feet. Then He said, "You Ought To do this one to another." The NT commandment Jesus taught is, "Love One Another."

Third — The church ministers to the Lost as the Light of the world. Jesus said, "You ARE the light of the world." This ministry is OUTward; to the lost. We open our hearts of compassion to the Lost. We open our mouth to speak the gospel of God's love to them. We stretch out our hands as ministers of reconciliation. Paul said that God has given unto US the ministry of reconciliation. He told the Philippians that they should Shine as Lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, holding forth the Word of Life. We are to "Go ye into all the world." Our offering to the world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

IF.....IF......the church would focus on these three Primary Aspects of her calling, we, as the body of Christ, would very likely be far more Solid and far more Fruitful.

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