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Guy Duininck: Who Are you Listening to ?

A while back, I heard a brother say, "The way we truly serve God is by letting Him minister to us." That was accompanied by a statement that, "God is not the least bit interested in us serving Him."

For some, it would be most helpful to read more Scripture. For example, in Acts 26, when Jesus first called Paul to service, He told him, "I have appeared unto you for THIS PURPOSE; to make you a minister - servant - and a witness." It's curious that Jesus didn't introduce Himself to Paul by saying, "I am here to serve you, Paul; and I don't want anything from you. Just let me minister to you." In fact, Jesus told Ananias that Paul was a chosen vessel unto Him and that, "I will show him what great things he must suffer for My names' sake."

Dear believers......not everyone speaking has something of value to say.

You will always hear many voices, but Always Be Careful about what Voices you Pay Attention To.

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