Guy Duininck: Old Covenant — Old Testament Scriptures
As New Covenant believers, we are not required by God to follow the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant. That covenant was given to Israel through Moses the mediator and, according to Paul, was only put in place, "till the Seed should come." The Old Covenant was always intended to be temporary. So after Jesus came and instituted The New Covenant in His blood, a Covenant that is open to all nations, the Old Covenant became obsolete and, as Hebrews says, "is fading away."
That does not mean, however, that the Old Testament Scriptures are not important and should not be read, studied, carefully considered, and understood by New Testament believers.
Jesus quoted at least 49 times from the Old Testament Scriptures in his teaching, giving much significance to what God had said; to what was written.
Paul exhorted Timothy to give attention to the Scriptures, declaring that they were Profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in how to do things the right way, the God way, righteously.
Paul wrote these words to the Corinthian believers,
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our [believers] learning, that we [believers] through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." Romans 15:4
I could say much more .....
Believers need to realize that there is a significant difference between The Old Covenant, which was given to Israel, but is now null and void, and The Old Testament Scriptures, which are alive and well and necessary and given to all!
This is an important distinction that may help you in your approach to the Holy Scriptures God has inspired for our learning.