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Guy Duininck_ByHisStripes.jpg

Guy Duininck: Parallels - Food and Food

There are often parallels in the Natural and the Spiritual. We can see one of these Parallels in the area of food.

In our modern world, we have so much over-processed, pre-packaged, heavily marketed food that is almost without any nutritional value. You can find this food in boxes and packages and bottles up and down the center isles of every grocery store. It's easy to prepare and easy to eat, but it not only has very little actual value, but is often contaminated with ingredients that are actually not good for you.

On the far outside isles of the store, you usually find the real food. Unfortunately, some of the real food is not great either - sometimes it doesn't have the nutritional value it should have and sometime it has insecticides.

When I shop groceries, I go immediately to the outside isles and pick up fruit and vegetables, then I sometimes go to the meat section and get a piece of fresh fish or sometimes a small steak. Then I pick up a couple things in dairy and I check out. I very seldom even go down the middle isles. When I check out, I am amazed at what some people have in their cart and how those same people appear physically. They are not healthy. They are most definitely buying the wrong food...and paying a price for it.

Unfortunately, we make the same mistake in the church. We "buy" the well packaged, pre-made, low nutrition value, no cooking involved, heavily advertised "food" that others are selling to us. We take the easy way, eat the no nutrition food recommended to us, assume all is well, and end up unhealthy.

I recommend that in both the Natural world and the Spiritual world, you buy the best real food you can find, take the time to prepare some great meals for yourself, and Get Healthy !

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