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All the Honor - Psalms Volume 3

All the Honor - Psalms Volume 3

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Guy Duininck_ByHisStripes.jpg

Guy Duininck: Bear One Another's Burdens

Even though every believer has been "set free" - for whom the Son has set free is free indeed - many believers, due to their past personal history, their tragic experiences before or after they were saved, or the current difficulties they are emeshed in, can be in emotional and spiritual heaviness. If you personally know believers in this case, you may instinctively wish to draw back from them so that you don't have to feel their pain, experience their heaviness and depression, or even enter into their hurt, their heaviness, or their despair by aiding them in their trouble.

We are exhorted, however, as God's people, to "bear ye One Another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." A "burden" [baros] is, "a heaviness, weight, burden, or trouble." To "bear" [bastazō] means, "to carry, to put something upon one's self, to hold up or support."

A significant aspect of true Christianity and of the "love One Another" commandment we have been given is to Notice, to Enter into, and to Co-bear the emotional and maybe even physical burdens of others. This is part of laying down our own lives. This is part of the, "Pure religion and undefiled before God" that James wrote of. This is Love in Action and Christianity in Manifestation!

Sometimes those who are in heaviness are not pleasant or fun to be around. We may even bear them some animosity for their trouble or come to their aid unhappily. We may even wish to chide them or tell them to "get with it!" But it is part of our Profound Calling in Christ Jesus that we not turn our eyes from or refuse to enter into the burdens of our brothers and sisters, but see their need, feel the compassion of the Lord, and willingly uphold, support, and co-carry the burdens that are currently upon them.

"Beloved, let us love One Another; for love is of God, and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God."

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