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All the Honor - Psalms Volume 3

All the Honor - Psalms Volume 3

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It is You Alone

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In Times Past

In Times Past

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Guy Duininck_ByHisStripes.jpg

Guy Duininck: Equally Exposed - Not Equally Susceptible

Several years ago I spoke at a conference for a group of doctors. During my teaching I spoke about the necessity of our faith in the Word of God to bring the will of God to pass. I spoke of how the will of God does not always happen; and I used Israel's failure to enter into Canaan because of their unbelief as an example.

One of the doctors was clearly upset with my teaching because he pulled me aside as soon as I had finished, wanting to speak to me. He said, "Guy, I simply can't agree with you. Just because we are Christians doesn't mean that we aren't susceptible to all the same things other people are. All the people on this planet are equally susceptible to sickness, disaster, depression, brokenness, and other things whether they are a Christian or not."

I waited for him to finish and then said to him, "Since you are a doctor, I'm sure you can answer this question for me. What if Bob, a man with a very weak immune system, had to spend time in a room with 100 very sick people; would there be a high percentage chance he would get sick himself?" The doctor answered me, "Yes, that is quite likely if he has a weak immune system." Then I said, "What if Mark, a man with a very strong immune system, had to spend time in that very same room with the same 100 very sick people; would there be a much lower percentage chance that he would get sick?" He answered me, "Yes, that is quite likely if he has a strong immune system."

I paused and looked at him. Then I slowly said, "Equally Exposed, but not Equally Susceptible."

We stood and looked at each other for 10-15 seconds. Then I said, "This is why we must be established in the faith; this is why we must put on the whole armor of God; this is why we must be strong in the Lord; this is why we must know the promises of God. It is so that we can be Exposed in this world, but NOT Susceptible!"

This doctor was clearly jolted in his mind. [Most doctors aren't used to being instructed by ministers.] He looked at me for a few more moments and then quietly said to me, "Guy, I grew up in a good evangelical church and have been in the church all my life. Why didn't anyone tell me this?"

I answered him, "I'm very sorry that no one taught you the Word of God as they should have. I'm very sorry that you didn't have ministers who were skillful and who taught you the Truth and helped you become established in the faith as they should have. That is very unfortunate for you."

Then he told me, "Guy, this insight is very important for me because both my wife and I are suffering from depression. It has almost ruined our marriage. Our two children are suffering. We both believed that being depressed was our lot in life. We both believed that this was our cross to bear for the Lord. We both believed that we were susceptible to these things just like everyone else."

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