Guy Duininck: Rest For Your Soul
Rest for Your Soul
Jesus invited those who were "weak and heavy laden" to come to Him, to take His yoke, and to learn of Him. He promised these that, "you will find rest for your souls." Jesus, as Bishop of our Soul, is not only concerned about our initial Salvation, about our bodies being healthy, and about our financial situations. He is also concerned about the Condition of our Souls — about our emotional, inner life.
When believers wear yokes and carry burdens that are not Jesus' yoke which is easy and His burden which is light, they will have constant and sometimes excessive weight and pressure upon their souls — upon their emotional lives — that is not appropriate, is not necessary, and is not healthy.
Jesus has a yoke we can wear which is "easy." His words suggests that there are heavier and more oppressive yokes that are not good for our souls. Jesus has a burden to give that is "light." His words suggest that there are other burdens that are not from the Him; burdens that are beyond our abilities and not good for our souls.
Jesus is concerned about your Soul. He is the Bishop of your Soul. And He knows that wearing wrong yokes and carrying inappropriate burdens puts pressure upon your Soul that is unhealthy.
So......Stop, Untether yourself from every yoke, and Unpack yourself from every burden. Set Aside every yoke and burden that Jesus has not given you. Then come to Him, learn of Him, and take His yoke and His burden upon you. Jesus will ONLY put you in a yoke that fits you and He will only entrust you with a burden that is appropriate to your capacity.
If you will do this, your Soul will remain healthy, happy, joyful, peaceful, and content as your live and serve under the watchful eye of your Master and The Bishop of your Soul.