Guy Duininck: The Weapons Of Our Wafare
The Weapons of our Wafare
When Paul wrote about the weapons of his warfare that were, “not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds,” he was not referring to dealing with regional demonic forces through some kind of special prayer or referring to renewing ones mind through the Word of God.
Rather, Paul was referring to the deconstructive spiritual work he engaged in as he preached the Word of God by the power of the Spirit of God. This powerful work he engaged tore down the strongholds of man’s ungodly, carnal, and errant thinking, destroyed vain imaginations, shook foundations of false philosophies and empty religion, and brought men’s thinking into alignment with God and into obedience to Christ.
By his powerful preaching of Gods truth, he cleared the ground of the false structures of philosophy and religion and human carnality, and laid in its place the Rock Solid foundation of the Truth of Jesus Christ.
More than any other thing, our dark world - full of the false structures of men’s thinking, reaching for the heavens like The Tower of Babel - needs this kind of Spirit Empowered Preaching of God’s Truth directed at its very foundation.