Guy Duininck: Early Gnostics In Ephesus
Early Gnostics in Ephesus from "Must We Confess Our Sins?" If the early gnostics of John’s day had just been a group of people living...
Guy Duininck: 1st John 1:9 from "Must We Confess Our Sins?"
I John 1:9 from "Must We Confess Our Sins?" In I John 1:9, John continued the flow of his writing, still dealing with the subject of sin...
Guy Duininck: Expression by Body
You Cannot Express....your Love, your Creativity, your Wisdom, your Thoughts, or your Feelings without A Body. Neither can God. God is...
Guy Duininck: One Way Not Be Weary in Well Doing
One thing that will help you to "not become weary in well doing" is to not do more than God has assigned to you. Paul wrote, "I will not...